So Let It Be Done

in Hits & Misses by
“What’s that I hear?
A collective groan?…
from all the deadpoolers who
took me off their lists this year?
Oh, it feels so good
to be missed.”

Hosni Mubarak
Ex-head of State, pilot, Panama Paperboy.
May 4, 1928 – February 25, 2020.
Aged 91 years.

Most recognized for: Just after Anwar Sadat was assassinated, Mr. Mubarak became the 4th president of Egypt in 1981.  Referred to as “The Last Pharaoh,” he amassed staggering wealth through various military contracts. But when Arab Spring demonstrations turned bloody 30 years later, he stepped down… only to be imprisoned on charges of corruption and abuse of power. Hosni was acquitted upon appeal in 2017, but the catalog of medical problems he’d developed in the slammer never really let him off the hook.