Hey There, Hi There, HO There!

in Hits & Misses by
“You don’t have to wait an hour in line
to jump in this ride, fellas.
Take that, Disneyland!”

Doreen Tracey
Actress, Mouseketeer, attention whore.
April 13, 1943 – January 10, 2018.
Aged 74 years.

Most recognized for: She was one of America’s little sweethearts in “The Mickey Mouse Club” & other family friendly Disney shows in the late 50’s. Then she grew up… and decided to show her mouse trap to the world in a 1976 issue of Gallery… and then again in 1979. Needless to say, Walt stopped calling. She later became a publicist for Frank Zappa… only to finish her career working for Warner Bros. Not seeing the correlation? Ask a Zappa fan.