Power Outage

in Hits & Misses by
“You’ve actually seen
some of my work?
Fist bump, brah.”

Pua Magasiva
Actor, radio host, soapy Samoan.
August 10, 1980 – May 11, 2019.
Aged 38 years.

Most recognized for: For the 11th season of the Power Rangers TV franchise, production moved to New Zealand in 2003, where they cast a local yokel in the lead role of the Red Ranger. In the same year, he landed a 2nd big gig. So, while karate-kicking for American pre-teen boob-tubers, Mr. Magasiva simultaneously was the panty-drenching heartthrob on the Kiwi soap opera “Shortland Street.” Anyway, he turned up dead in Wellington.