Roll Over

in Hits & Misses by
“See this guy?”
Now HE could eat some tacos, my friend.
Two… sometimes three at a time.
Shoulda called that sh!t ‘tacomania.’
HPV? He didn’t give a sh!t.”

Alan Longmuir
Musician, Scot, slow roller.
20 June 1948 – 2 July 2018.
Aged 70 years.

Most recognized for: Along with his musically-inclined siblings, Alan founded the Bay City Rollers in the late 60’s. Lauded to be the biggest thing since the Beatles, the Scottish quintent launched “Rollermania” and became teen idols for a hot minute. Fast forward to July of 2018… as Alan is rushed home from a vacation in Mexico, where he contracted what is presumed to be a foodborne illness… and dies. Which is absolutely heartbreaking… because it pains us to say a bad word about tacos… ever.