Death Mask? Check.

in Hits & Misses by
“Do I really have to wear this stupid mask throughout the whole movie? My mustache can hardly breathe in this thing!”

Peter Wyngarde
Actor, Limey, John Holmes lookalike.
August 23, 1927 – January 15, 2018.
Aged 90 years.

Most recognized for: Hey! You remember that pice-of-sh!t Flash Gordon Movie from 1980? You know, the one that was curiously romanticized by Mark Wahlberg and his talking bear in “Ted?” Well, Peter played General Klytus, Ming’s caped henchman with a silly plastic mask. Basically, a poor man’s Darth Vader…. and by poor, we’re talking fukken destitute. Pre-Flash, he was the mustachioed star of a hit British mystery TV show. Like Tom Selleck… but with bad teeth & scurvy.